Our talented crew brings your messages to life. We can handle your shoot anywhere in the country (from New York to Los Angeles and everywhere in between) — beautiful :30, :60, or 2-minute commercials that hold viewers’ attention and convey your brand message with spectacular results.
Meet Us in St. Louie, Louie!
Our Video Production Studio sits right where that famous story (and movie) unfolded.
Our in-house video studio in St. Louis’ Benton Park (just five minutes from downtown) has everything you need, with several ‘sets’ for uniquely different filming options. From conference rooms to an open, fully functioning kitchen to a podcasting studio and editing suites, Chemistry has the in-house capabilities you need. Just blocks away, we have warehouse space for easy build-outs of additional video sets.
- 5 minutes from St. Louis Cardinals’ Busch Stadium
- 5 minutes from the Gateway Arch
- 5 minutes from many downtown hotels
- 2 minutes from Anheuser Busch’s (In-Bev’s) national headquarters
- 20 minutes from Lambert St. Louis International Airport
- No more than 30 minutes from almost anywhere in the region, even Scott Air Force Base.
However, our team travels nationwide for video projects.