Public Engagement Training & Message Maps
Our PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT TRAINING sessions begin with our “Secret Formula” – MESSAGE MAPS. We use them to prepare for specific media interviews. A good MESSAGE MAP helps you remember your most important points and equips you to steer each media interview where you want it to go, NOT where a reporter may want to push, ambush, drag or derail you. A Message Map keeps you in control.
Dorothy, You’re Not Communicating in Kansas Anymore.
Today’s Tornado of Media Takes Training.
Your partners at Chemistry PR & Multimedia know how to stay in control during the twists and turns of a media interview. Our training includes:
- Compelling video case studies and cautionary tales
- Insights into how the media think
- Forming strategy and tactics around media deadlines
- Your rights with reporters
- The importance of brevity and avoiding jargon
- Practice answering questions directly and honestly (no evasion)
- Pitfalls of “No comment” and what to say instead
- How not to repeat a negative
Communicating During a Crisis: Mess Up … Fess Up … Dress Up!
We know the dos and don’ts to protect your reputation and retain brand loyalty. Chemistry’s crisis training includes PowerPoint and video examples to make the lessons stick. Topics include:
- Mess up … Fess Up … Dress Up!: Learn the basics of communicating in a crisis and reporting your own bad news
- How not to repeat a negative
- Developing Message Maps for crisis situations
- Identifying a “Home Base” that puts your audience members and employees ahead of corporate profits