Angela Del Pinto Joins Chemistry Team for Fall Internship

Chemistry PR and Multimedia is pleased to welcome Angela Del Pinto to the team as our Fall 2022 “Top of Class PR and Marketing Intern.” Angie joins our team while she wraps up her last semester as a student in mass communications at SIU-Edwardsville.

Angie Del PintoIn December Angie will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in mass communications with a minor in applied communications studies from the Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Through her major coursework, Angie has gained a knowledge and passion for the areas of public relations, marketing, advertising, graphic design, and social media. An Eric Thomas Achievement Award recipient, a Cougar Pride Scholarship recipient, and a Dean’s List Honoree, Angie’s achievements are already well-recognized. 

From a young age, she has prided herself on her creativity and ambition to surpass expectations. Critiquing and analyzing TV commercials, billboards, and print ads was a major pastime for Angie while growing up, long before she realized her destined career field. Even while still in school, brochures, posters, and commercial scripts and storyboards that she had a hand in creating have been utilized by small businesses in the southern Illinois area.

Angie’s professional experience includes work in the banking industry, where her role quickly expanded from customer service to include developing marketing materials and strategies to help grow the company’s customer base. Her creativity was on display when the bank promoted its options for holidays and gift giving occasions. Customers can have money folded into shapes such as reindeer or graduation caps, and Angie took the idea even further by creating fun, decorative money holders to provide packaging for these cash gifts. 

When not expanding her skills or on campus, one can find Angie creating and selling artwork at local craft fairs, taking her two small dogs, Jellybean and Whopper, on adventures, or attending live concerts in the St. Louis area.

Angela Del Pinto is excited about this opportunity to work with Chemistry PR and Multimedia because she says it will, “allow me to take my skills outside the classroom and put them into practice. And a smaller agency like Chemistry, I’ll be treated like an employee rather than just an intern and be able to really make a contribution to our clients.”