Crisis Management – Don’t Duck and Run!

The proactive management of a crisis or controversial situation can make or break any brand. In this virtual age, it is more important than ever to have a solid plan in place to address scenarios that have the potential to not only mar your credibility and reputation, but completely dismantle your legacy.

Disaster strikes daily newspaper headlineCompanies and individuals spend years, sometimes decades, building their brand by creating consumer confidence. As we have witnessed time and time again, this can all come crumbling down in a matter of minutes. Sometimes, chances for a full recovery can be bleak.

From corporate giants to professional athletes, to overnight YouTube sensations, no one is immune from the potential backlash resulting from questionable decision making and unexpected aberrations. More often than not, it takes time for the true nature of a situation to unfold. Is it just a minor misstep, a clumsy blunder of sorts….or is it the beginning of a total and irreversible derailment?

How does the PR strategy evolve as new details emerge – or does it? Is the brand in question able to lean on and leverage their foundation and long term track record? Do the emerging facts support their stance or eventually overshadow their PR efforts, potentially creating a new layer of issues to rectify?

How a consumer base responds, and whether or not a company or individual can maintain their position in the industry, depends on numerous factors. While every situation is different, there are some strategies and actions that have consistently resulted in a higher rate of success as those in question attempt to salvage and re-polish their image.  Your choices during the tough times will determine whether or not you have to claw your way back, or if you will emerge no worse for the wear.

With the diversification of media outlets and the advent of social media, it is imperative that you have a multi-faceted approach to your crisis communication plan. While you don’t want to jump the gun with an ill prepared or tepid message, you also don’t want to be slow out of the gate. While not all crises are predictable, you shouldn’t be starting from scratch when you learn of the problem. Delayed acknowledgement on your behalf has the potential to negatively skew public perception, giving the impression that you are scrambling to get your story straight. You don’t want to be known for offering too little too late.

Crisis2.smallDepending on the nature of the crises, your “fight or flight” defense mechanism might kick in. While both of these responses serve a great purpose in our quest to survive, it isn’t likely that they will behoove you in your times of trouble. While it might be appropriate to defend yourself, doing so in a defensive way will not reflect positively on you. Sincerely accept any responsibility that you have in the situation, and stick to the facts that will aid in your quest to build a strong platform from which to leverage your resiliency. On the flip side, avoid the desire to engage in flight, as fleeing the scene will almost ensure that you wake up with numerous regrets. As challenging as it might be, remain visible and refrain from distancing yourself from the situation.

Above all, focus on truly fixing the problem at hand. Expending meaningful efforts to reverse and mitigate damages resulting from the problem must be a priority. In doing this, your image and reputation will naturally begin to recover. Heed the lessons provided by BP’s Gulf oil disaster. The company’s poor decision to spend millions on advertising instead of clean-up efforts and compensation will always haunt them. In attempting to greenwash the public, they only inflicted more long term and inherent damage to their image. Inevitably, it is just a matter of time before attempts to avoid accountability and transparency will backfire.

To quote Walter Scott, “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” We all know that accidents and mistakes happen, that is life. When misfortune befalls you or your organization, do everything in your power to take the high road and infuse your communication plan with integrity and honesty! While the water might be hot for a while, you have the potential to emerge as a wiser and more respected individual – make every decision and action count!